Personal Fundraising Page for Sarah Funderburk

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Sarah Funderburk is raising money for 2014 ONE Party

Fundraising Amount=$2,720.00 ; Goal=$2,500.00
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Thanks to our 2014 Sponsors:

  • Dr. Bruce Bode
  • Kurt Lovell
  • Courtland Phillips
  • Greg Benoit
  • CentricsIT, LLC
  • Taylor English Duma LLP
  • Novo Nordisk, Inc.
  • Senator Burt Jones
  • Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Kathy Womack
  • Jason Crandall
  • Schroder Public Relations
  • Douglas Stockel

Welcome to my personal fundraising page for the JDRF One Group. I've been involved with JDRF in other capacities, and I'm very excited to be a part of this year's One Group.

My personal fundraising goal is $5,000, and I appreciate all donations received. 

Although involved with other organizations around Atlanta, JDRF holds a special place in my heart because my youngest sister has Type 1 Diabetes. She has struggled with the disease for several years, and it breaks my heart each time she has to deal with high sugar and hospital visits.

After volunteering on the Walk Committee with JDRF last year and seeing just how many children and adults are affected by T1D, I knew I needed to stay involved and do my part in supporting this amazing cause!

Thank you for visiting my page. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Let's work together to better treat, prevent and eventually cure T1D. I hope you'll join me at the One Party in November! See you there!


JDRF is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. JDRF’s goal is to progressively remove the impact of T1D from people’s lives until we achieve a world without T1D. JDRF collaborates with a wide spectrum of partners and is the only organization with the scientific resources, regulatory influence, and a working plan to better treat, prevent, and eventually cure T1D.

As the largest charitable supporter of T1D research, JDRF is currently sponsoring $530 million in scientific research in 17 countries. In 2012 alone, JDRF provided more than $110 million to T1D research. More than 80 percent of JDRF’s expenditures directly support research and research-related education. In 2012 Forbes magazine named JDRF one of its five All-Star charities, citing the organization’s efficiency and effectiveness.


Donors and Comments

Becky Peterson  gave $25.00 11/15/2014
Rebecca Price Howard  gave $25.00 10/30/2014
"Go Sarah!"
Emily Tracy  gave $20.00 10/28/2014
Marnie Juster  gave  10/27/2014
Vanessa Haines  gave $150.00 10/23/2014
Andrew Cash  gave $500.00 10/22/2014
"Thanks for all that you are doing for JDRF!"
Douglas Davidson  gave $100.00 10/22/2014
Anonymous  gave  10/14/2014
"Glad to support you, your sister, and this great cause!"
Anonymous  gave  10/8/2014
"Schroder PR is proud of you, Sarah! We gladly support your efforts. Keep up the good work!"
Hayes Ashcraft  gave  10/7/2014
"Nice work Sarah - keep it up and good luck with your personal fundraising goal."
Anonymous  gave  10/2/2014
"Sarah, all the best to your sister and JDRF. David Marvin"
Jason Rollins  gave  9/29/2014
"Happy to support such a great cause! Way to go, Sarah!"
Catherine Spillman  gave  9/27/2014
"I hope you are able to reach your fundraising goal soon for this important cause. All the best!"
Brianna Goldsworthy  gave  9/26/2014
"This is great! I'm sure you will meet your goal!"
Katie Brown  gave  9/24/2014
Laura McGee  gave  9/23/2014
"Keep it up! This is awesome! You're so sweet to support your little sister in such a big way!"
Amelia Cheeley  gave  9/22/2014
Theresa Smith  gave $50.00 9/22/2014
"I like what you are doing for Type 1 diabetes and your sister. You go girl!"
Debbie Koenig  gave  9/18/2014
"Thank you for your passion, your action and for raising not only $ but for also raising awareness. Best of luck in reaching your goal, Sarah! Debbie K."
Trey Moore  gave $25.00 9/17/2014
"Sarah, I met you at lunch today while with Andy Cash. Thanks for your enthusiasm for being a member of the ONE Group. Good luck!"
JR & Liz Wright  gave $100.00 9/17/2014
"Great job Sarah! I'm sure you will go way beyond even your own goal for this charity!"
Jeff Doud  gave $50.00 9/17/2014
"We have been talking with Team Novo Nordisk who is next door to us. They have a worldwide cycling team and every racer has diabetes. You may want to check them out. Best to you and your efforts Sarah."
Nancy Reynolds  gave $25.00 9/17/2014
"Sarah Wishing you the very best of luck in your fundraising efforts! It's certainly for a wonderful cause. I too have friends and family who are currently battling their fight with diabetes and/or have lost the battle. My aunt past away at 32 years of age leaving behind two wonderful daughters and my dear friend of 20 years is slowly going blind. The more research we can fund the sooner we can find a cure for this terrible disease. Best of luck!!"
Anonymous  gave $25.00 9/17/2014